Interface CameraNotifyListener

public interface CameraNotifyListener
CameraNotifyListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of system events. This is an optional interface. If you are using a DMSDetectorView control you can set a listener via the DMSDetectorView.setNotifyListener(DISNotifyListener) method. If you are using the CameraHelper class directly, use CameraHelper CameraHelper.Builder() setCameraNotifyListener().
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called when camera initialization is complete and the camera is accessible.
  • Method Details

    • onCameraAvailable

      void onCameraAvailable()
      Called when camera initialization is complete and the camera is accessible. The primary reason for using this method is that some camera features cannot be queried until the camera is opened. For instance, the presence of a torch on the device (queried via CameraWrapper.isTorchSupported() will always return false if called before the camera is open.