Interface CameraRegionListener

public interface CameraRegionListener
CameraRegionListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of camera view changes. This is an optional interface.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called when the camera viewable area has changed.
  • Method Details

    • onVisibleRegionChanged

      void onVisibleRegionChanged()
      Called when the camera viewable area has changed. When this method is called the camera view is in a stable state and the method CameraHelper.getRectForVisibleSurface() will return a valid rect.

      When the camera is started the camera surface adjusts its bounds and scaling to account for the view size and preserve the camera's native aspect ratio. The view operations occur after the view becomes visible and frame delivery starts. This callback allows an application to know when the view has been configured and the camera rect contains the correct screen bounds. Getting the rect before this callback is delivered could give improper region information.