Interface DISErrorListener

public interface DISErrorListener
DISErrorListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of DMSDetectorView errors. This is an optional interface. If an application wishes to use the interface it should create and supply an instance of it to the DMSDetectorView. If an interface instance is not supplied then error messages will be displayed via a dialog which is created by the DMSDetectorView.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onError(DMSDetectorView.DISError errorCode, String description)
    This method is called when an error occurs within DMSDetectorView.
  • Method Details

    • onError

      void onError(@NonNull DMSDetectorView.DISError errorCode, @Nullable String description)
      This method is called when an error occurs within DMSDetectorView.
      errorCode - A code from the DMSDetectorView.DISError enum
      description - String description of the error condition