Interface ReaderResult

public interface ReaderResult
Contains processing data returned from the readers. This includes payloads decoded by the readers, which may or may not be present for any given frame. ReaderResults may include additional metadata, such as read location, associated with decoded payloads.
  • Method Details

    • getFrameNumber

      int getFrameNumber()
      Returns the frame number for this result. Frame number is an always increasing value indicating how many frames have been received since this image-based reader was created.
      The frame number
    • getSymbologiesProcessed

      int getSymbologiesProcessed()
      Returns the bitmask value of all BaseReader.Symbology processed in this frame.
      The symbologies processed
    • getImageSize getImageSize()
      Returns a point containing the size of the processed image.
      Point object with the image size
    • getImageFrame

      @Nullable ImageFrame getImageFrame()
      Returns the ImageFrame object, representing image data that the read was performed on. This method will only return an image frame if there was a successful decode, otherwise it will return null.
      The image frame that successfully decoded
    • getPayloads

      @Nullable List<Payload> getPayloads()
      Returns the payloads detected by the reader or null if none were found.
      The payloads found
    • getNewPayloads

      @Nullable List<Payload> getNewPayloads()
      Returns a subset of getPayloads(), filtering out unchanged payloads of the same type (Digimarc Barcode, Digimarc Barcode for Audio, or Traditional Barcode).
      The new payloads found
    • getMetadataForAllPayloads

      @Nullable Map<Payload,List<DataDictionary>> getMetadataForAllPayloads()
      Returns a map containing the metadata associated with each payload.
      Map of payloads and all associated metadata
      See Also:
    • getMetadata

      @Nullable List<DataDictionary> getMetadata(@NonNull Payload payload)
      Returns the list of metadata for the given payload. The payload must be a part of the current result's payloads.
      payload - The payload to retrieve metadata for
      The metadata list