Interface SecureWatermarkReadinessListener

public interface SecureWatermarkReadinessListener
This listener interface is required for supporting secure digital watermark reading. Callbacks to this interface are delivered on the main thread.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Initialization has failed, and secure digital watermark reading in not available.
    This method is called when secure watermark reading is not available.
    Initialization was successful, and secure digital watermarks can now be read.
  • Method Details

    • onSecureWatermarkUnavailable

      void onSecureWatermarkUnavailable()
      This method is called when secure watermark reading is not available. This will be called immediately the first time a SdkSession or DMSDetectorView is created. It will be called again if a SDK license key is loaded which uses a different Digimarc resolver endpoint.
    • onFailure

      boolean onFailure()
      Initialization has failed, and secure digital watermark reading in not available. The app can return true to this callback to immediately retry the initialization.
      Return true to retry. Returning false will stop the attempt until the next time a reader is created with secure digital watermarks enabled.
    • onSuccess

      void onSuccess()
      Initialization was successful, and secure digital watermarks can now be read.