Class ProductDetail


public class ProductDetail extends Object
ProductDetail contains product-specific fields from GS1.
  • Method Details

    • isCertified

      public boolean isCertified()
      Get the contents of the isCertified flag (if present).
      True if the package is certified, false if it is not or if the flag is not present.
    • getBrand

      @Nullable public String getBrand()
      Get the content of the Brand field.
      String containing the Brand text or null if not present.
    • getBrandOwner

      @Nullable public String getBrandOwner()
      Get the content of the Brand Owner field.
      String containing the Brand Owner text or null if not present.
    • getProductName

      @Nullable public String getProductName()
      Get the content of the Product Name field.
      String containing the Product Name text or null if not present.
    • getSubBrand

      @Nullable public String getSubBrand()
      Get the content of the Sub Brand field.
      String containing the Sub Brand text or null if not present.
    • getDescription

      @Nullable public String getDescription()
      Get the content of the Description field.
      String containing the Description text or null if not present.
    • getColor

      @Nullable public String getColor()
      Get the content of the Color field.
      String containing the Color text or null if not present.
    • getFlavor

      @Nullable public String getFlavor()
      Get the content of the Flavor field.
      String containing the Flavor text or null if not present.
    • getScent

      @Nullable public String getScent()
      Get the content of the Scent field.
      String containing the Scent text or null if not present.
    • getSize

      @Nullable public String getSize()
      Get the content of the Size field.
      String containing the Size text or null if not present.
    • getImageUrl

      @Nullable public String getImageUrl()
      Get the content of the Image URL field.
      String containing the Image URL text or null if not present.
    • getQuantityList

      @NonNull public List<ProductDetail.ProductQuantity> getQuantityList()
      Gets the list of available product quantity entries. This value will always return a valid list object, although the list may itself be empty.
      List containing zero or more ProductDetail.ProductQuantity objects.