Interface ResolveListener

public interface ResolveListener
Callbacks for Resolver events.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method will be called when an error occurs during a resolve operation.
    This method will be called when a resolve operation is completed and the content data is available for your app to use.
  • Method Details

    • onPayloadResolved

      void onPayloadResolved(@NonNull ResolvedContent result)
      This method will be called when a resolve operation is completed and the content data is available for your app to use. These callbacks will always occur on the main system (UI) thread.
      result - Content data for the resolved payload.
    • onError

      void onError(@NonNull Payload payload, @NonNull Resolver.ResolveError error)
      This method will be called when an error occurs during a resolve operation. These callbacks will always occur on the main system (UI) thread.
      payload - Payload that the error occurred on.
      error - Error code.