Class SdkSessionInitializationResult


public class SdkSessionInitializationResult extends Object
Encapsulates a SdkSession creation outcome with a value of type SdkSession or a error with an arbitrary error of type SdkSessionInitializationResult.Errors.
  • Method Details

    • isSuccessful

      public boolean isSuccessful()
      Checks if the SDK session initialization was successful.
      true if the initialization was successful, false otherwise.
    • getSessionOrThrow

      @NonNull public SdkSession getSessionOrThrow()
      Retrieves the SDK session. This method returns the result of the SDK session creation operation or throws RuntimeException if the session creation failed.
      The current SdkSession if available, or throw RuntimeException if an error occurred.
    • getError

      Retrieves the error information associated with the initialization of the SDK session.
      An value of SdkSessionInitializationResult.Errors representing the error details, or null if no error occurred during initialization.