Enum Class Payload.BasicRepresentation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Payload.Representation, Serializable, Comparable<Payload.BasicRepresentation>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum Payload.BasicRepresentation extends Enum<Payload.BasicRepresentation> implements Payload.Representation
BasicRepresentation contains the representations that most applications will need. More specialized representation types based on GS1 AIs can be found in Payload.GS1_AI_Representation.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Audio Digimarc representation contains the full payload path decoded from the Audio Digimarc.
    AudioID representation contains a Digimarc audio watermark ID.
    Code 128 representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length.
    Code 39 representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length.
    ContainerID representation contains a Digimarc recycling watermark ID.
    DataBar representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length and is valid only for DataBar barcodes.
    EAN 13 representation contains a 13 decimal digit barcode value.
    EAN 8 representation contains a 8 decimal digit barcode value.
    GS1 Formatted List Representation contains a barcode data in parenthesized format.
    GS1 List Representation contains GS1 code data.
    GTIN 14 representation contains a 14 decimal digit barcode value.
    Image Digimarc representation contains the full payload path decoded from the Digimarc Barcode.
    ITF representation contains the value of an ITF format barcode This representation is valid only for ITF barcodes.
    PDF417 representation contains text string from a PDF417 barcode and is valid only for PDF417 barcodes.
    PrintID representation contains a Digimarc print watermark ID.
    QR Code representation contains text string from a QR Code and is valid only for QR Codes.
    SecureDigitalWatemark representation contains the full payload path decoded from the Digimarc Barcode.
    Simple Product ID Extra Data Representation contains a string of extra data from the Digimarc Barcode.
    Unstructured Data representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length and content.
    UPC A representation contains a 12 decimal digit barcode value.
    UPC E representation contains a 6 decimal digit barcode value.
    Variable Measure representation contains a variable measure value from within a GTIN 14 value.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected final int
    protected final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • Image_Digimarc

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation Image_Digimarc
      Image Digimarc representation contains the full payload path decoded from the Digimarc Barcode.

      Type: String

    • Audio_Digimarc

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation Audio_Digimarc
      Audio Digimarc representation contains the full payload path decoded from the Audio Digimarc.

      Type: String

    • UPC_A

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation UPC_A
      UPC A representation contains a 12 decimal digit barcode value. This representation is valid for all UPC A barcodes and some GTIN 14 product identifiers read from an Image Digimarc-enhanced package.

      Type: String

    • UPC_E

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation UPC_E
      UPC E representation contains a 6 decimal digit barcode value. This representation is valid only for UPC E barcodes.

      Type: String

    • EAN_13

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation EAN_13
      EAN 13 representation contains a 13 decimal digit barcode value. This representation is valid for all EAN 13 barcodes and some GTIN 14 product identifiers read from an Image Digimarc-enhanced package.

      Type: String

    • EAN_8

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation EAN_8
      EAN 8 representation contains a 8 decimal digit barcode value. This representation is valid for all EAN 8 barcodes and some GTIN 14 product identifiers read from an Image Digimarc-enhanced package.

      Type: String

    • PrintID

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation PrintID
      PrintID representation contains a Digimarc print watermark ID. The value is a hex string. This representation is valid for all Digimarc digital watermarks for print.

      Type: String

    • ContainerID

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation ContainerID
      ContainerID representation contains a Digimarc recycling watermark ID. The value is a hex string. This representation is valid for all Digimarc digital watermarks for recycling.

      Type: String

    • AudioID

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation AudioID
      AudioID representation contains a Digimarc audio watermark ID. The value is a hex string. This representation is valid only for Digimarc audio watermarks.

      Type: String

    • SecureDigitalWatermark

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation SecureDigitalWatermark
      SecureDigitalWatemark representation contains the full payload path decoded from the Digimarc Barcode. It is valid only for Digimarc Secure Digital Watermark payloads.

      The values returned by this representation are ephemeral and may change between reader sessions. The Digimarc Resolver must be used to turn a secure watermark payload into a stable result.

      Type: String

    • Code_39

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation Code_39
      Code 39 representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length. This representation is valid only for Code 39 barcodes.

      Type: String

    • Code_128

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation Code_128
      Code 128 representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length. This representation is valid for Code 128 and GS1-128 barcodes. For GS1-128 barcodes the initial character in the value will be FNC1.

      Type: String

    • DataBar

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation DataBar
      DataBar representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length and is valid only for DataBar barcodes. This value contains only the raw barcode data in the form of GS1 AIs and values. Granular access to individual fields and values within the code may also be obtained using the Payload.getGS1Data() method.

      Type: String

    • QRCode

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation QRCode
      QR Code representation contains text string from a QR Code and is valid only for QR Codes.

      Type: String

    • PDF417

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation PDF417
      PDF417 representation contains text string from a PDF417 barcode and is valid only for PDF417 barcodes.

      Type: String

    • GTIN_14

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation GTIN_14
      GTIN 14 representation contains a 14 decimal digit barcode value. This representation is valid for all GTIN 14 product identifiers read from an Digimarc Barcode-enhanced package as well as all UPC A, UPC E, EAN 8, EAN 13 and some DataBar barcodes.

      Type: String

    • VariableMeasure

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation VariableMeasure
      Variable Measure representation contains a variable measure value from within a GTIN 14 value. These values are identified by their prefixes. This representation is valid for all GTIN 14 values that begin with GS1 Variable Measure Numbers (VMNs). This means that they begin with either "002" or "02x". The value returned by this representation will have the VMN prefix removed and therefore be an 11 digit string.

      Type: String

    • Unstructured_Data

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation Unstructured_Data
      Unstructured Data representation contains a barcode value of arbitrary length and content. This representation is valid for Code 39 barcodes, Code 128 barcodes that don't contain a GS1 string, QR Codes, PDF417 barcodes, and ITF barcodes that don't contain a GTIN 14 value.

      Type: String

    • Description

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation Description
      Description representation contains a text label in the form "XXX: YYY", where XXX is the symbology name and YYY is the code value. It is intended primarily for use in UI contexts rather than in code processing of any sort. This representation is valid for all payloads.

      Type: String

    • GIAI

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation GIAI
      This representation has been deprecated. The same is stored in GS1 strings as AI 8004 and can be retrieved using the Payload.getGS1Data() method.

      GIAI representation contains the 17-digit Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI) barcode value. This representation is valid for Digimarc Barcodes that contains GIAI data as well as traditional barcodes containing GS1 AIs.

      Type: String

    • ITF

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation ITF
      ITF representation contains the value of an ITF format barcode This representation is valid only for ITF barcodes. If the code was an ITF-14 barcode then an GTIN_14 representation will also be available.

      Type: String

    • GS1_List

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation GS1_List
      GS1 List Representation contains GS1 code data. A single string without spaces contains Application Identifiers (AIs) listed followed immediately by the value for that field. Granular access to individual fields and values within the code may be obtained using the Payload.getGS1Data() method. This representation is valid for all codes that contain GS1 AIs.

      Type: String

    • GS1_Formatted_List

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation GS1_Formatted_List
      GS1 Formatted List Representation contains a barcode data in parenthesized format. A single string without spaces contains Application Identifiers (AIs) listed within parenthesis followed immediately by the value for that field. Granular access to individual fields and values within the code may be obtained using the Payload.getGS1Data() method. This representation is valid for all codes that contain GS1 AIs.

      Type: String

    • SimpleProductID_ExtraData

      public static final Payload.BasicRepresentation SimpleProductID_ExtraData
      Simple Product ID Extra Data Representation contains a string of extra data from the Digimarc Barcode. The data may be either numeric or alpha-numeric depending on a flag within the barcode data. This is valid for Digimarc Barcodes containing Simple Product ID data.

      Type: String

  • Field Details

    • mName

      protected final String mName
    • mId

      protected final int mId
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Payload.BasicRepresentation[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Payload.BasicRepresentation valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getName

      @NonNull public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Payload.Representation
    • getId

      public int getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in interface Payload.Representation