Class Manager


public class Manager extends Object
The Manager class provides a set of utility methods for the SDK. The Manager is a singleton object created at SDK startup. The methods are either static or can be accessed on the Manager object obtained via getInstance().
  • Field Details

    • mLogger

      public static final com.getkeepsafe.relinker.ReLinker.Logger mLogger
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      @NonNull public static Manager getInstance()
      Get an instance of the Manager object.
      Manager object
    • getRecommendedCameraParameters

      @NonNull public Object getRecommendedCameraParameters(int cameraId, @NonNull Object parameters)
      This method looks up the device's camera within the SDK's camera KB and sets camera parameters that have been found to work well when reading Digimarc Barcodes and traditional barcodes.
      cameraId - The ID of the camera being used. In most cases this value should be 0.
      parameters - The initial camera parameters. This can be retrieved by calling Camera.getParameters() if you are implementing your own camera code.
      A modified set of camera parameters. If you are implementing you own camera code then these parameters should be applied to the camera by calling Camera.setParameters(Camera.Parameters). If you are using the CameraHelper class then this is handled for you.
    • getRecommendedResolution

      @NonNull public getRecommendedResolution(int cameraId)
      This method looks up the device's camera within the SDK's camera KB and returns the best that work well when reading Digimarc Barcodes and traditional barcodes.
      Point recommended preview resolution
    • getSdkVersion

      @NonNull public String getSdkVersion()
      The DMSSDK version in the form of MAJOR.MINOR.INTERNALNUMBER.
    • getCameraSettingsKBVersion

      @NonNull public String getCameraSettingsKBVersion()
      Get the camera settings Knowledge Base (KB) version. This function returns the version of the the camera settings Knowledge Base (KB) loaded by Manager. Applications that want to query the KB version may use this function after calling Manager.getRecommendedCameraParameters(). Use of this API is optional and for diagnostic reasons only.
      The Knowledge Base version in the form of MAJOR.MINOR.INTERNALNUMBER.
    • getCameraSettingsKBCurrentRuleName

      @NonNull public String getCameraSettingsKBCurrentRuleName()

      Get the camera settings Knowledge Base (KB) rule name selected.

      This function returns the rule name that was selected from the camera settings Knowledge Base (KB) and used by the Manager. Applications that want to query the KB rule selected by Manager may use this function after calling Manager.getRecommendedCameraParameters(). Use of this API is optional and for diagnostic reasons only.

      The rule name selected by Manager.
    • getDescriptionForErrorCode

      @NonNull public static String getDescriptionForErrorCode(@NonNull Resolver.ResolveError code)
      Gets a string description for a Resolver error code.
      code - An error code from Resolver.ResolveError.
      A string containing the error description.
    • getDescriptionForErrorCode

      @NonNull public static String getDescriptionForErrorCode(@NonNull BaseReader.ReaderError code)
      Gets a string description for a Reader error code.
      code - An error code from BaseReader.ReaderError.
      A string containing the error description.