Interface ResultListener

public interface ResultListener
ResultListener is used by the capture readers (VideoCaptureReader and AudioCaptureReader) to return results and errors. A capture reader cannot be created without supplying a result listener instance.
  • Method Details

    • onReaderResult

      void onReaderResult(@NonNull ReaderResult result, @NonNull BaseReader.ResultType resultType)
      This method will be called when the reader finishes processing a data packet. These callbacks will always occur on the main system (UI) thread.
      result - ReaderResult containing data returned from the readers
      resultType - Type of result.
    • onError

      void onError(@NonNull BaseReader.ReaderError errorCode, @NonNull BaseReader.ResultType resultType)
      This method will be called when an error occurs during reader processing. These callbacks will always occur on the main system (UI) thread.
      errorCode - An error code.
      resultType - Type of result.