Class Resolver


public class Resolver extends Object
The Resolver class uses the Digimarc Resolver backend to turn payloads into content data.
  • Method Details

    • Builder

      @NonNull public static Resolver.Builder Builder(SdkSession sdkSession)
      Get Builder for creating a new Resolver
      sdkSession - SdkSession object initialized with a valid license key.
    • release

      public void release()
      Cleans up the resolver. This should be performed in your application's onDestroy method. Problems may occur if the resolver is not cleaned up when the application closes.
    • start

      public void start()
      Starts the resolver. This should be called in your application's onResume method.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Stop the resolver. This should be performed in your application's onPause method. Problems may occur if the resolver is not stopped when the application closes or goes to the background.
    • resolve

      public void resolve(@NonNull Payload payload)
      Begin an asynchronous resolve operation for the given payload. The call will return immediately, and any resolve data or errors will be received via the ResolveListener.onPayloadResolved(ResolvedContent) and ResolveListener.onError(Payload, ResolveError) methods.
      payload - Payload to resolve.