Other Classes

The following classes are available globally.

  • Defines styling options for the detection highlight layer. This class customizes the visual appearance of image detection locations.

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    @interface DMSImageDetectionLocationStyle : NSObject <NSCopying>


    class ImageDetectionLocationStyle : NSObject, NSCopying
  • Undocumented

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    @interface DMSPayloadData: NSObject
    /// Data type of the payload. These types are defined by the ``DMSPayloadRepresentationType`` enumeration.
    @property (readonly) DMSPayloadRepresentationType type;
    /// Value of data. The value type is defined by ``type``.  ``DMSPayloadRepresentationType``  defines the possible return types for each value type.
    @property (readonly, nonnull) id value;
    /// The value of the data as a string. This property guarantees safe access to barcode values as a string type. Most barcode symbologies encode data as strings, so this is most common way to retrieve barcode data. For cases where an expected data might be of a type other than a string, use the ``value`` property.
    @property (readonly, nonnull) NSString *stringValue;


    class PayloadData : NSObject