Class SdkSession.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class SdkSession.Builder extends Object
  • Method Details

    • setLicenseKey

      @NonNull public SdkSession.Builder setLicenseKey(@NonNull String key)
      Set the license key. This is an alternate method for specifying a license key. Use of the manifest for the key is strongly recommended.
      key - License key
      Builder object
    • setFeatureKey

      @NonNull protected SdkSession.Builder setFeatureKey(@NonNull String key)
    • build

      @NonNull public SdkSession build()
      Build a SdkSession using the configuration within the Builder.
      A new SdkSession object.
    • setEnableSecureWatermarks

      @NonNull public SdkSession.Builder setEnableSecureWatermarks(SecureWatermarkReadinessListener listener)
      Set a listener for Secure Digital Watermark readiness messages. Reading of Digimarc Secure Digital Watermarks is disabled if a listener is not supplied. The listener will receive status messages during initialization. Secure watermarks cannot be read until after the SecureWatermarkReadinessListener.onSuccess() callback is received.

      Creating a new session object will entirely replace any existing session. The secure listener (if set) will be cleared, and if no secure listener is configured for the new session secure watermark reading will be disabled across the application.

      Note that Secure Digital Watermark reading and resolving is tightly coupled with the application's license key. Use of more than one license key in an application may cause errors when resolving secure digital watermarks. If the app needs to change license keys at runtime make sure that all resolver objects are recreated using the new license key.

      listener - Listener