Enum Class Payload.Sgtin96Representation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Payload.Representation, Serializable, Comparable<Payload.Sgtin96Representation>, Constable
Enclosing class:

@Deprecated public static enum Payload.Sgtin96Representation extends Enum<Payload.Sgtin96Representation> implements Payload.Representation
This extended representation set has been deprecated. Most of the data exposed by the representations can be retrieved by other means. The documentation for each representation below indicates how to get the data.

Sgtin96Representation contains specialized representations for accessing data within SGTIN 96 codes. These codes usually come from Digimarc product watermarks, although they may be found within some barcodes. Note that the SGTIN 96 data always includes a GTIN 14 identifier within it, so all SGTIN 96 codes will have a Payload.BasicRepresentation.GTIN_14 representation available.

  • Enum Constant Details

    • SGTIN96_Std_Format

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.Sgtin96Representation SGTIN96_Std_Format
      This representation is deprecated. The data is not available outside of the representation, although it can be assembled from the other Sgtin96 AIs if so desired. This value was intended as a special purpose display string and was not needed otherwise.

      Standard Format Representation contains data from an SGTIN 96 code in what is referred to as Standard Format. The value will contain a string with the following format:

      [Company Prefix].[Indicator Digit][Item Reference].[SerialNumber]

      Type: String

    • SGTIN96_CompanyPrefix

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.Sgtin96Representation SGTIN96_CompanyPrefix
      This representation is deprecated. The data is a subfield within the GTIN value and can be parsed out if required.

      Company Prefix Representation contains the company prefix from the SGTIN 96 code. Each registered company gets its own item reference number space.

      Type: String

    • SGTIN96_SerialNumber

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.Sgtin96Representation SGTIN96_SerialNumber
      This representation is deprecated. The value corresponds to GS1 AI 21 and can be retrieved using the Payload.getGS1Data() method.

      Serial Number Representation contains a unique serial number from the SGTIN 96 code for a single instance of an item.

      Type: String

    • SGTIN96_ItemReference

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.Sgtin96Representation SGTIN96_ItemReference
      This representation is deprecated. The data is a subfield within the GTIN value and can be parsed out if required.

      Item Reference Representation contains a product identifier from the SGTIN 96 code. This identifier is within this company's number space and is typically associated with a product type or model.

      Type: String

    • SGTIN96_Indicator

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.Sgtin96Representation SGTIN96_Indicator
      This representation is deprecated. The data is a subfield within the GTIN value and can be parsed out if required.

      Indicator Digit Representation contains a single digit character string from the SGTIN 96 code.

      Type: String

    • SGTIN_96_FilterValue

      @Deprecated public static final Payload.Sgtin96Representation SGTIN_96_FilterValue
      This representation is deprecated. The data is a subfield within the GTIN value and can be parsed out if required.

      Filter Value Representation contains a single digit character string from the SGTIN 96 code. The filter value is actually a 3 bit field and will be returned as a decimal digit or 0 if the field is not present in the SGTIN 96.

      Type: String

  • Field Details

    • mBaseName

      protected final String mBaseName
      See Also:
    • mField

      protected final String mField
    • mId

      protected final int mId
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Payload.Sgtin96Representation[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Payload.Sgtin96Representation valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getName

      @NonNull public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Payload.Representation
    • getId

      public int getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in interface Payload.Representation