All Classes and Interfaces

This class provides asynchronous audio reading.
AudioDataListener provides audio buffers for application processing.
The AudioHelper class provides an easy way to add audio support to an application.
This class provides synchronous audio reading functionality.
A service that handles recording audio in the background.
This class contains the methods that the client is allowed to call on the service.
All asynchronous reader objects derive from this class.
All reader objects derive from this base class.
Audio symbologies are intended for use with the audio-based readers (AudioReader and AudioCaptureReader).
ImageDetectionType is used by the ImageReader and VideoCaptureReader to specify how intensively the reader examines each image.
Image symbologies are intended for use with the image-based readers (ImageReader and VideoCaptureReader).
Error codes that may be received by Readers.
Used by ResultListener to signal what type of results a callback contains.
All symbologies implement the Symbology interface.
The undefined symbology is a default value only.
This class provides a series of utility methods for handling camera frames.
CameraConfigurationListener defines an interface for handling camera configuration events.
CameraDataListener provides camera frames for the application to process.
CameraErrorListener defines an interface for handling camera errors.
The CameraHelper class provides a mechanism to switch to use android.hardware.camera2 API in order to get the best Digimarc Barcode reading performance.
Error codes that may be sent to the CameraErrorListener.onError(CameraHelper.CameraError error) method.
Allows an app to specify what type of camera support (i.e.
CameraNotifyListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of system events.
CameraRegionListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of camera view changes.
The CaptureFormat enum provides a list of supported image pixel format
ContentItem contains the data for a single content entry with the ResolvedContent data received from the Digimarc Resolver.
DataDictionary is a map of strings to objects that is used to return arbitrary sets of data to an application from a reader.
Defines region of interest within a frame.
DISErrorListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of DMSDetectorView errors.
DISNotifyListener defines an interface for receiving notifications of system events.
This interface provides access to more detailed SDK notifications by exposing the ReaderResult and ResolvedContent objects from the base SDK.
DMSDetectorView is a drop in component that packages up media capture (video & audio), detection (image & audio) and Digimarc resolving into a single UI control.
Errors that can be handled via the DISErrorListener interface.
This class can be used to customize the visual appearance of image detection locations.
Overlay types that can be set using the DMSDetectorView.setOverlayType(OverlayType) method.
The HelperCaptureFormat enum provides a list of supported image pixel format
Container for image data.
The ImageFrame class is used to return camera image frames from the SDK to the application.
This class allows applications to store camera images returned within ReaderResult objects.
This class provides synchronous image reading functionality.
The Manager class provides a set of utility methods for the SDK.
The Metadata class allows access to a the camera metadata associated with an image frame.
Note in the definitions below that the actual values for the constants can be different between Camera1 and Camera2, even though the constant names appear similar.
This class contains the data and possible representations that resulted from an image or audio detection.
BasicRepresentation contains the representations that most applications will need.
Payload data packaged as a carrier (format descriptor) and a value.
Used with the Payload.getData(DataFormatMode) method for formatting payload data.
GS1_AI_Representation contains representations that correspond to standard GS1 AI (Application Identifier) values.
All representations implement the Representation interface.
A helper class for tracking whether a new payload has been read.
A DetectionRegion for restricting detection within a camera preview.
The builder used to create PreviewDetectionRegion
ProductDetail contains product-specific fields from GS1.
This class allows low-level access to individual pieces of the Payload.
Exception class used for errors that occur in all BaseReader-derived classes.
ReaderOptions allows an application to set options within a reader object.
ReaderOptionsExtended allows private channels to be configured.
Contains processing data returned from the readers.
ResolvedContent wraps all data from the Digimarc Resolver and allows access to the fields.
Exception class used for errors in ResolvedContent parsing.
Callbacks for Resolver events.
The Resolver class uses the Digimarc Resolver backend to turn payloads into content data.
Builder class used to construct a new Resolver object.
Error codes that may be sent to the ResolveListener.onError(Payload, ResolveError) method.
ResultListener is used by the capture readers (VideoCaptureReader and AudioCaptureReader) to return results and errors.
A session object is required to use reader and resolver objects within the SDK.
This listener interface is required for supporting secure digital watermark reading.
Methods in this class are provided for working with data contained in ReaderResult metadata.
This class provides asynchronous image reading with a built in level of performance management.